bands and projects


April 2000 saw Lars Hollmer and Wolfgang Salomon staging a small concert as a duo as part of the Swedish Culture Week in Würzburg’s town-hall.
The same year, Wolfgang Salomon was invited to play bass and ukulele with ‚Utsikter‘  … [mehr]


m.o.d – Music over Distance
Eduard Rüdel (git.) , Michel Berckmans (bassoon, oboe), Lars Hollmer (keyb. accordion) and
Wolfgang Salomon (bass) may have taken part in just two live concerts, but … [mehr]







von Zamla
It was my great pleasure to play in this group. We played and lived our music in our own unique way, travelling and living in a big Swedish ex-post bus … [mehr]



‚Munju‘ was founded in February 1976 and found its feet as part of the independent music movement. The band toured on a regular basis, playing over 2000 concerts in the seventies and eighties … [mehr]